noun \ˈfrend\
: a person who you like and enjoy being with
Yes, yes, I know this. But I think that there is more to it. I say this because, quite frankly, I don't have any in college yet. I have my boyfriend, thank Jesus, and my roommate who I love like a little sister, but there's not a single person that I feel like I have truly connected with yet.
If I am going to see the positive in this situation, I am going to say that it has helped me to realize what I consider makes someone a true friend, someone that I truly like and enjoy being with.
noun \ˈfrend\
You cannot simply laugh at their jokes, they have to make you bend over in pain, tears streaming from your eyes. They cannot just be easy to talk to, they have to talk to you about things that truly matter to you in your world and have conversations that really make you think. They cannot only listen to what you have to say, they have to listen and from that know what you are feeling and insightfully lead the conversation in the direction from which you will both benefit the most. Being with them cannot be just fun, it has to make you forget what is bothering you and free you always be something that you look back on with a smile on.
Friends must challenge you, love you, question you, cheer you on, and most importantly, make you laugh.
But you do not have to agree with them. You can be different people and the combination of your two personalities can simply send a shiver down the earth's spine.
Maybe I'm just too picky...